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How to Teach Songwriting to the Inspired Student

  • 17 Steps
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Everyone wants to write a song but the majority of people don't know how to begin. Some parts of the process seem impossible! Writer's block for lyrics, how to write an effective melody, how to write rhythms down according to what you hear in your head, how to assign chords to play on a guitar or piano... the challenge keeps growing the more you think about it! This course teaches songwriting to inspired students, and even timid students, so they may write every component of writing a song, and it shows you how to teach it to others... even non-musicians in a general or music appreciation class!! Course Objectives: -You will learn to teach song structure for lyrics and music -You will learn how to write lyrics in a seamless way, and teach it to your students, amazing them along the way! -You will learn how easy it is to write a sensible sounding melody. -You will be able to teach your students how simple it is to write a melody and add chords, even if they don't have a lot of musical experience. Watch here for more information!

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How to Teach Songwriting to the Inspired Student

How to Teach Songwriting to the Inspired Student

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